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.Org sticks with Afilias for backend


Afilias maintains contract to run technical services for the .org top level domain name.

afilias-logoPublic Interest Registry, the company that operates the .org top level domain name, has decided to keep Afilias as its technical backend registry operator after a competitive bidding process.

Afilias has managed technical registry operations for .org since the domain’s management was transitioned from Verisign to Public Interest Registry (PIR) in 2003. It has been a very lucrative contract for Afilias, which was paid over $33 million in 2014 alone.

That’s certainly above market rates for just under 11 million domains under management. So PIR put the contract out for bids at the beginning of the year. 20 service providers responded to the request for proposal.

After the competitive process, PIR decided to stick with Afilias, although it was certainly under more favorable contract terms (which have not been disclosed).

The new contract is expected to go into effect at the beginning of 2018.

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