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The latest .Com Winners & Losers


Here’s how registrars fared in the latest Verisign report.

ICANN has published the latest .com transactions report from registry Verisign, showing official results from August. Other than a bit of shakeup in the net inbound transfers category, there aren’t many changes from the previous month. The top registrars had some improvement in new registrations as summer came to a close.

Here are the top 5 registrars in August in terms of new .com registrations:

1. GoDaddy* 899,189
2. Rightside** 209,763
3. HiChina 132,914
4. Tucows 118,592
5. PublicDomainRegistry 117,039

Here are the top five registrars for net inbound transfers:

1. +21,122
2. HiChina +19,594
3. Mesh Digital +13,716
4. NameBright +11,963
5. Google +6,153

On the flip side, these five registrars saw the biggest net outflow of .com domain names due to transfers:

1. Tucows -21,298
2. eName -15,363
3. GoDaddy -10,990
4. -8,857
5. PublicDomainRegistry -7,429

*Includes GoDaddy and Wild West Domains **Includes eNom and, but not dropcatching registrars.

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